Love n Hate 2017-61

                                                            Love n Hate  2017-61

Love is just a word!

BUT, it is a word with meaning, with feeling, and is, of course, involving emotion. Love could be expressed as the opposite of hate, but is love related to this differing word.

If one has a hate feeling, is that an absence of love and does the love feeling  show the absence of hate?

Can there be a love-hate relationship that embodies both feelings? Or is it like spring water and mineral oil that do not mix, but instead, separate?

Can I love God and hate the devil, yet in this love of God, do I still allow the devil to intrude and tempt? Or most of all succeed????

If so, WHY?

A paradox of thought, loving one and allowing the other at the same time to interfere!

Why can’t I love God, SO MUCH, that I will surrender or submit myself totally without the pressure of the devil to be included?

Of course, I know the answer, but do I NOT want to state it or even admit it as so???????

BUT, the great thing is, God still loves me, forgives me and with that I know I am saved. Or hope so!!!!!!

Den Betts                                  

What Has Happened? 2016-54

What Has Happened? 2016-54

What will it take to have people look at others without feelings of prejudice, hatred, of despisement, fear, scorn, loathing, contempt, distaste, contempt, distain, abhorrence, and all the other words that almost mean the same thing?

What happened to the feeling of love, respect, reverence, admiration, affection, togetherness, understanding, devotion, trust, and even the belief in God?

Or is my mind in a cloud of non-understanding and one of unreality?

Who makes the first move of changing? Who are the ones that ferment the bad vibes of the world, and why? Another thing, why do people use religion as reasons for hateful actions or thoughts? I think of the places like the Westboro Baptist Church in some cases

Is God wondering if it is time for a change and does He believe His plan, if any, is not going well? Of course, if you do not believe in God this does not matter. And if you say you believe and do nothing to show your belief, it does not matter either.

I am not judging, but feel that saying you are a Christian or devout Jew or practicing Muslim and not do your part in getting closer to your God, you are not fooling God, but yourself. I believe too many people, including myself, say we believe, and do not do the things to prove it. We can do the proverbial talk the talk and not do the walk the walk type of thing….

As a self-proclaimed Christian, I feel it is about time I start to be committed to being a Christian. It is too easy to make a claim of being one, but to actually do the things that Jesus Christ would want me to do is another matter. I must read the Bible more, to see what He would expect from me. It is all there; just have to read up on it.

Anyone can do what they want to do or not do and that is up to them. We all have to look in the mirror and try to see the other Self we all have inside us. The one that lurks within us and does not come to the surface and hides the real us.

I say it is time for me to be a Christian and do Christian things; starting with the simple thing of loving my fellow Earthlings. All of them, not just the ones I feel good about. All of them that include those of other races, religions, creeds, ethnics, countries, neighbors, communities, and the list goes on and on.

That is not an easy task, but to be a Christ following Christian and surrendering myself to Jesus Christ means I have to learn new skills and do the things that MUST be done.

I welcome anyone I know to follow Jesus Christ with me. Get back to me personally and share your thoughts of doing so; it can help me in my quest of getting closer to the Lord…………………………………..

Den Betts

HATE 2015-32

This is such a negative word or at least of describing a way of life. Reading the paper or watching the TV makes me think of headlines of actions taken by individuals that had pure hate toward their fellow man and did something. Something that made them stand out and be reported on by the media. I do not know if I have ever hated something or someone that bad, but maybe it was close. I hope not!   

                             HATE  2015-32

A festering boil in

The mind itself,

Destroying all rational

Understanding in life

Black thoughts becoming

The only way of existence

Energy concentrated

In deleterious charges

A manifestation

Of pure evil

Red rage of burning

Rancor in control

No compromise, no second

Opinions or differences desired

All consuming, less

Outlets of good

Compassion forgotten,

Not known, not given

An insidious control

Of body and soul

Den Betts