Knight Slayed 2018-73

Written when the mission was just existing in life, and this came to mind. Not sure now, of the exact reason of what the intent was; to make a point perhaps. Do people look at life this way, as I did so many years ago? It is a wonder I did not succumb to a downward trend and end up like the knight.


Knight Slayed  2018-73


Upon the mighty steed he went

looking forward, toward the fight.

Dressed in shining white he traveled,

to hunt, to make the dragon bleed.

With good intentions and mind naïve

a promise to save mankind, at least.

The people cheered and rallied him on,

to stay the course toward the beast.

He told them all he would not fail,

or fall from favor to them all.

His goal was honorable, or so it seemed,

the mission not quite the Holy Grail.

Truth shall win he yelled, so let us begin,

as he charged toward the fray.

A moments respite then the battle was begun,

no fun, but fair, he thought he knew.

A parry here, a jab there, a start;

a two-way beginning of a witches brew.

No magic Merlin to help his cause,

only him to combat the brute.

In a second of time, an infinity to some,

the knight lay withered on the ground.

The dragon reared upon his legs, looked down,

and sneered at the puny form of man.

“How dare you fight the master of life;

the system always wins.”


Den Betts        Email:

Word Press site:

Primitives 2018-72

Primitives  2018-72

We Earthlings are a primitive lot!!!!!!!

I would imagine, in the Universe as a whole, there may be a species that would consider us the MOST primitive group that exists.

Some here, would disagree and make claims on how we as humans on Earth, have evolved to be the most advanced on Earth. The fact that our brains have become better formed and capable than other creatures which inhabit Earth does NOT make us able to say we are not primitive.

Nobody can say “There are no other intelligent creatures in the Universe”, and just like an atheist cannot say “There is not a God”, because they cannot prove their claims. As seen by those elsewhere in the Universe, that are made up of intelligent, civilized, advanced beings, our actions on earth could be called primitive in nature.  

We claim to be intelligent and again, advanced beyond other Earth species, but perhaps compared to others  elsewhere, we cannot claim to be even close to them.

We kill, we steal, we cheat, lie, deceive, and start wars, hoard, plot against others, form boundaries (sometimes with walls) are intolerant towards others, and prejudicial to so many people, and the list goes on and on and on. We have too many primitive ideas and actions to warrant making claims of NOT being primeval.

We can change our stature to being instead, more sophisticated and civilized, much more, than what we are now. This is easy to say, but hard to do. Individually, some can do this, but collectively, as a group, nation, country, etc. this is almost impossible.

Being primitive is something an Earthling does, it happens everywhere; not by “those people” or “over there”, but again, everywhere. Also, to claim being religious does not mean better, because many that make this claim are primitive thinking yet believe being religious excludes them.

So, until  more civilized creatures arrive to show us how primitive we as humans are, we can be self-deluded and think because we are more intelligent than a slug, we are not primitive.    HA!


Den Betts     bettsden @                                              

Wind’s Fury 2018-71

I don’t know if this is about a tornado, or just a windstorm of somewhat epic proportions that occurred. I have NEVER been in or near a tornado, but was in two hurricanes that sounded like what I have written below. Or, it was in my mind, only which is par for the course.


Wind’s Fury 2018-71


The soft whisper of wind picked up

Slyly increasing in its tempo

A rustle here and whirlwind there

A foretaste of gloom and woe.


A hint of things to come very soon

With branches falling like bullets

Raining down to the ground with might

Impaling themselves with such a fright


A sudden hailstorm arriving with vengeance

Peppering the earth with half white substance

Collecting in the cracks and crevices below

Lying on the ground in a mound like snow.


A banshee sound, racing round tree trunks

An eerie voice of future doom

The whistling tone in the background air

Casting a spell inside the room


A crack then a crash came the limbs and trunks

Crushing down toward house and home

Destroying all amongst their midst

Turning “whole” into pieces and hunks


Passing by it continued cross the land

Wrecking havoc in a path of despair

Letting all know that it was there

A traveler of terror so grand


Then a quiet ensued in its wake

A calm, a gentle rain from above

The smell of bark and ozone left

A remembrance of a winds fury unloved.


Den Betts