Love n Hate 2017-61

                                                            Love n Hate  2017-61

Love is just a word!

BUT, it is a word with meaning, with feeling, and is, of course, involving emotion. Love could be expressed as the opposite of hate, but is love related to this differing word.

If one has a hate feeling, is that an absence of love and does the love feeling  show the absence of hate?

Can there be a love-hate relationship that embodies both feelings? Or is it like spring water and mineral oil that do not mix, but instead, separate?

Can I love God and hate the devil, yet in this love of God, do I still allow the devil to intrude and tempt? Or most of all succeed????

If so, WHY?

A paradox of thought, loving one and allowing the other at the same time to interfere!

Why can’t I love God, SO MUCH, that I will surrender or submit myself totally without the pressure of the devil to be included?

Of course, I know the answer, but do I NOT want to state it or even admit it as so???????

BUT, the great thing is, God still loves me, forgives me and with that I know I am saved. Or hope so!!!!!!

Den Betts