Sins and Forgiveness 2018-03

                                               Sin and Forgiveness 2018-03

I am a sinner!!!!  We ALL are sinners whether we admit it or not. When I know I have sinned, I am ashamed that I have done something that goes against the will of God, but I will comment on this another time.

The basic, main thing is, that the one God of the universe DOES forgive us when we sin. That, in itself, is a blessed thing to know and realize.  God is a loving god and does love ALL His children, even when we sin repeatedly. Wow, that is somewhat hard to fathom, know or comprehend.

I then ask, how can God do this and why? I like to believe that God is a god with an unconditional love for His children. But, again, I ask, how and why does He do this?

I read that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23), but then ask, how does this relate to God loving us and forgiving us?  I think the key is the continuation of this verse “but the gift of God is eternal life in Jesus Christ our Lord.”

When the Godhead (the Father, Son and Holy spirit) decided to take His self as human flesh and become the God-man, it reinforced John’s statement in John 1:14 when he said, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” The Word, being Jesus Christ. Because He became and was infinite God, he had infinite ability to take on Himself, the sins of the world.

What a gift. Jesus therefore died, NOT just for us, you and I, but also for God the Father Himself.

Again, Jesus died, not just for us, but also as a propitiation or satisfaction of a requirement that was intrinsic in the basic nature of God.  We can stand clean and free of contamination in God’s presence – sin free!!!!

I said, God loves and forgives us, but He is a righteous and just God. Since He DOES love us, He was willing to come down from his throne in the form of man, as Jesus Christ, and pay the price for us, which was His death on the cross.  Forgiveness HAS a price and He paid the price for this forgiveness Himself, through the cross of Jesus.

To be forgiven also demands responsibility. The love of God for each of us has an obligation of our loving His son, who gave His life, so our sins are forgiven. This is such a small (let me say) price to pay or thing to do, but as a Christian, I feel I not only want to do, but MUST do.

You can do what you want to do, that is your decision. I do not know the ramifications of your not doing what God decrees or desires, but we will find out eventually. I feel that only God can know or decide as to what happens if we do not believe in God or Jesus Christ, because I surely do not know and doubt if any human living on Earth really knows.

I wish you well and invite ALL, to become closer to God and to find Jesus Christ as your savior in life’s journey. Thanks be to God!!!


Den Betts                                  

I wish to thank Josh McDowell & his book “More Than a Carpenter” for insights for this blog. I also recommend this book and “Mere Christianity” by C.S. Lewis – Both available at Amazon

One thought on “Sins and Forgiveness 2018-03

  1. been thinking this over—-hard to put feelings into words to truly express where I am!! I feel Christ’s presence many times, sometimes I am alone, but most often in a group—–such as last night, or when we are talking together about how we can be of help to one of our fold——on the days of DP or at the Food Bank. But I find myself all the time thinking—-and saying—things about what others do or say that I know are very hurtful to the Lord—–Yeah, never going to do that again, forgive me Jesus, and then doing it again and again. We are so blest with a patient God who doesn’t strike us down, daily, for those “sins of ommission and commission”—–we would be goners!! Peace to you


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