Heartbeat 2018-02


In a heartbeat, things change, our lives, our loves, our wishes, all of life, just one beat and we are in a different zone of life.  I wrote this when something happened to me that made me different, made me change my life or, it changed without any effort or inclination of my own. That is the way life is at times, good, bad or indifferent to what we want at times.  Never take life for granted, always realize that who, what and how we are can be changed; in a heartbeat.

Heartbeat  2018-02

They say you never know

a moment in time to see

When you least expect it

it was meant to be


It takes an erratic car

an accident with a ladder

A holdup at a market place

or simply wasn’t your day


How much we take for granted

this micron time on Earth

Living for tomorrow – not today

Death is but, a heartbeat away.



Den Betts     bettsden@gmail.com

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